Faculty Senate

Zachary Schrag

Title: Professor | U.S. History

Website: https://historyarthistory.gmu.edu/people/zschrag

Groups: Organizations and Operations

Catherine Sausville

Title: Director, Undergraduate Studies; Senior Instructor, Mathematical Sciences Department | COS

Website: https://science.gmu.edu/directory/catherine-sausville

Groups: Executive Committee, Organizations and Operations

Douglas Eyman

Title: Associate Professor, English | CHSS

Website: https://english.gmu.edu/people/deyman

Groups: Academic Policies, Executive Committee, Organizations and Operations

Tamara Maddox

Title: Term Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science | CEC

Website: https://www.gmu.edu/profiles/tmaddox

Groups: Organizations and Operations

Melissa Broeckelman-Post

Title: Professor and Basic Course Director, Department of Communication | CHSS

Website: https://communication.gmu.edu/people/mbroecke

Groups: Executive Committee, Organizations and Operations
