DECEMBER 8, 2010

Robinson Hall B113,  3:00  - 4:15 p.m.


I.          Call to Order


II.        Approval of the Minutes of November 10, 2010


III.       Announcements

President Merten and Rector Volgenau

Dean Mark Ginsberg – CEHD


IV.       New Business - Committee Reports

             A.  Senate Standing Committees

Executive Committee

Academic Policies

Budget & Resources

Faculty Matters

On-Line Course Evaluations



Harold Geller (COS) is nominated to fill a vacancy on the Minority and Diversity Issues Committee.


Organization & Operations

Resolution on Voluntary Faculty Practice                              Attachment A


             B. Other Committees 

V.        Other New Business

A.    Admissions Update – Dean Andrew Flagel

VI.       Remarks for the Good of the General Faculty

VII.     Adjournment


 Attachment A

Resolution on Voluntary Faculty Practice

Whereas the Faculty Senate passed a Faculty Practice plan in March of 2008 outlining the nature of faculty practice and the eligibility of full-time faculty to participate in such a plan; and

Whereas, the original intent for faculty choice about participation was made clear in the explanation of the plan by Professor James Maddux in the following excerpt from the Senate minutes of February 13, 2008:  “Attention was paid so that faculty was not forced into some overarching plan against one’s will.  There is a choice to join to gain benefits such as malpractice insurance and enhance department programs;” and  

Whereas, one unit at the university  has begun implementing a plan that forces term faculty to seek outside employment and require employer payback to the unit for approximately one or more days a week (the amount of time has varied between 20%, 25%, and somewhat less) of the faculty member’s salary; and

Whereas, the “choice” offered to term faculty for not participating in the faculty practice plan is a renewal of contract for one year beyond which continued employment is not guaranteed or a 20-25% pay cut (amounts have varied) from their originally negotiated salary; and

Whereas,  this represents elements of mandatory implementation of a faculty practice plan that was verified as being non-mandatory before Faculty Senators voted to approve it ; and

Whereas, this implementation of Faculty Practice violates the original approved faculty practice plan  and so is of questionable legality;

Therefore be it resolved:  That George Mason University’s Faculty Practice Plan shall be amended by including the following language under the section on Individual Participation:

Faculty Practice participation cannot be held as a condition of continued employment and renewal; faculty opting out of Faculty Practice cannot have their negotiated salaries reduced.


Oral Intent for the Plan on the Floor of the Senate on February 13, 2008:

The Dean invited Professor James Maddux to make comments as an advocate for the Family Practice Plan.

Comments, Professor James Maddux:  Attention was paid so that faculty was not forced into some overarching plan against one’s will.  There is a choice to join to gain benefits such as malpractice insurance and enhance department programs.  Faculty currently engaged in practice may continue to do what they’ve been doing.  There is a need to bring in non-tenure line faculty such as nurses with titles so that they may conduct clinical practice.