Agenda for Jan. 24, 2007

Agenda for the Faculty Senate Meeting

January 24, 2007

Room B-113 Robinson Hall

3:00-4:15 p.m.



I.       Call to Order


II.      Approval of the Minutes of November 29, 2006


III.    Announcements


IV.    Unfinished Business


V.      New Business - Committee Reports


A.   Senate Standing Committees

       Executive Committee -- Attachment A

       Academic Policies  -- Motion from the Committee -- Attachment B

       Budget & Resources -- Attachment C

       Faculty Matters

       Organization & Operations

       Nominations -- Motion from the Committee

          Susie Crate and David Kuebrich are nominated to serve as representatives to the Environmental Task Force.


B. Other Committees

       External Academic Relations -- Report on Higher Education Advocacy Day in Richmond, January 11, 2007


VI.    Other New Business


VII.   Remarks for the Good of the General Faculty


VIII. Adjournment



Since the O&O committee has been inactive this semester, the Executive Committee has received requests for study and or action on the items below. The business has been assigned to the committee noted.


A. Requests for new University policies (to Faculty Matters Committee)


1. Simultaneous Employment of Family Members: This policy would establish rules and procedures for hiring two or more faculty who are members of the same immediate family.


2. Revision in procedures for "direct hire" (waived search) of faculty. Hiring of faculty with tenure at the Associate and Full Professor level would include a mandatory “second-level” review of the awarding of tenure. (Since there is no procedure yet in the FH concerning direct hires, this would not be a revision of the FH but an extension of existing procedure.) 



B. A request for information and rationale for the change from MW to MWF class schedules (To Academic Policies Committee)





Motion from the Academic Policies Committee


Disallow undergraduate students to elect to take courses on S/NC basis if they wish to use them to satisfy the requirements for a minor or certificate. (Currently the S/NC option applies to electives outside the major field.) A portion of page 35 of the GMU catalog will be changed, as indicated below with the altered portion shown in italics, to state this policy.

Entire courses normally graded as satisfactory/no credit (S/NC) are annotated in the catalog, but students may elect to take credit without grade points. Undergraduates may take up to 6 credits to be graded S/NC; this option applies only to electives outside the field of the major, minor or certificate program.



The Academic Procedures Advisory Committee (APAC), a group of Assistant/Associate Deans and administrators chaired by Susan Jones (Registrar), suggested this catalog change. When the current rule was written years ago, minor and certificate programs were not nearly as popular and it was perhaps an oversight to not refer to them explicitly. There is currently confusion about this rule, with some believing that the option may be used for courses used for a minor or certificate program, and others thinking that the option may only be used for completely free electives.





Faculty Senate Data Request

Special Salary Adjustments

11-25-2006 Salary Raise Process




















$200 - $4,400

$1,909 $1,425


Asst - 14   Assoc - 20     Prof - 8

Tenure - 26 T/T - 15               Term - 1




$748 - $7,002

$2,973 $2,004


Inst - 3 Asst - 4  Assoc - 8    Prof - 4

Tenure - 8    T/T - 3              Term - 8




$630 - $15,000

$5,177 $4,000


Asst - 16   Assoc - 12 Prof - 11

Tenure - 23   T/T - 16




$310 - $4,000

$2,218  $2,274


Inst - 1     Asst - 9      Assoc - 14  Prof - 11

Tenure - 15    T/T - 17        Term - 3




$220 - $11,489

$2,659  $1,328


Asst - 4      Assoc - 9       Prof. - 3

Tenure - 10   T/T - 5         Term - 1




$3,000 - $7,000

$3,167    $4,750


Assoc - 1     Prof - 3

Tenure - 3




$1,500 - $5,500

$2,602 $2,500


Inst - 2       Asst - 1           Assoc - 11           Prof -4

Tenure - 15    Term - 3












$5,000 - $9,000

$7,000         $7,000


Prof - 3

Tenure - 3




$500 - $8,500

$2,825 $2,000


Inst - 3      Asst - 16      Assoc - 13     Prof - 6

Tenure - 18   T/T - 9           Term - 11




$5,000 - $10,000

$7000    $8000


Asst - 1      Prof - 3

Tenure - 3       T/T - 1

*Neither requested nor received funds.






The Budget and Resources Committee of the Faculty Senate moves that the Provost’s Office prepare and distribute at the December 2006 meeting of the Faculty Senate a report on “equity based” salary adjustments awarded during the Fall 2006 salary adjustment period.  The report should, at minimum, provide the following data for the University; each College, School and Institute; and for each department or academic area:









1.  The total number of dollars allocated for equity based equity adjustments.

2.  The total number of those dollars that came from the Provost’s pool for equity raises.

3.  Range of equity-based salary adjustments.

4.  The mean and median of such adjustments.

5.  The total number of faculty who were awarded equity based salary adjustments.

6.  The distribution of faculty who were awarded equity based salary adjustments organized by:   (a)   traditional academic rank and (b) contract status (tenured, tenure-track and contract).